cool like kool-aid
A place to post stuff about shows, how you are cool, or about life in general.

Wednesday, August 13, 2003  

poor Zoe. i hope she's ok. man, cilantro's was yummy today...and i'm about to go polish off that other half of the leftover burrito. wow jesse, you had to park way far from the joint.

so yeah, brandon and i are gonna write some more stuff so i don't have to do half of the set solo before he comes up. songwriting is going well and having another guitarist and singer is freeing me up to do some cool lead stuff. we were both nervous at the show sunday night, but i'm guessing next time we play, we will be more used to it.

well, now it's dinner and off to the first of the last practices of With Pins Pulled. that's right...the 20th is the last show. so it goes.

posted by Matthew | 5:51 PM